Promote mental health for a more efficient working environment


Positive Mental Health in the working environment

Mental health is also important in business. Nowadays, the mental health and well-being of employees play a critical role in the success of the business. But how can you, as an employer, approach mental health issues in your workplace? What activities and policies should you establish?

As an employer you should be aware of this and:

Implement effective policies aimed at the reintegration and employment of people who have experienced mental health problems.

Support employees who express mental health problems.

Promote positive mental health in the working environment.

Identify and prevent those issues causing stress and mental health problems.


Better Employee Performance in the Working Environment

The World Health Organization defines positive mental health as “a state of well-being in which each person realizes their prospects, cope with the normal demanding situations in life, work productively and contribute to their community. Employees with good mental health will perform better at work.”

In the same way, mental health problems can affect anyone, regardless of age and background. However, with the right support, most people manage to bounce back. By making specific changes to your work environment and providing support to your employees, you can reduce the duration and severity of mental disorders and speed up their recovery.


CBT(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

What cognitive-behavioral therapy supports is that psychological disturbance occurs after some dysfunctional thoughts. Those dysfunctional thoughts causing the psychological disturbance lead to the manifestation of a behavior. For example, if someone suddenly feels anxious at work in view of presenting a project in front of colleagues, a possible dysfunctional thought that may be present is that the person thinks of their failure and that the others will make fun of them. It is also possible that they will not be able to concentrate on their presentation and as a result they will not be able to meet its needs. Therefore, the initial goal of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is to examine and evaluate these thoughts with the goal of relieving the person’s symptoms, and in this case anxiety.


How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps us:

Research has shown that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is very successful in psychiatric disorders such as depressive disorder, panic disorder, social phobia, agoraphobia, health anxiety, anxiety disorders and many others. Also in psychological problems such as couple problems, family problems, anger, and bereavement. Finally, in medical problems with psychological factors such as chronic back pain, migraine, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, obesity, hypertension and rheumatic pain.


Sales Techniques Mindfully

The act of selling is the ultimate act of customer interaction. It is now proven in practice that sales depend on many important factors that in the past were not given much attention.

The psychology, buying behaviour of the seller, the rules and steps of the sale, presentation techniques, and the study of each type of customer separately are important. Equally important today, however, is our psychological “unlocking” through mindfulness, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and anxiety management during sales.

The use of a positive approach and behaviour towards customers and the use of positive language requires positive energy and self-confidence that you acquire through the above-mentioned techniques that we teach as part of the overall training.


Customer Service & Complaint Handling Techniques Mindfully

Exceptional customer service in many organisations today is the key to success and increased sales. For some, going the extra mile in service is part of their organisation’s culture, but for others, it is the exception to the rule, resulting in the organisation slowly dying without us realising it. As strange as it may sound, the effort and hard work you put into serving a customer don’t make much difference between poor and exceptional customer service.

The psychology, salesperson’s behaviour, service rules and steps, presentation techniques and the study of each type of customer separately are important. Equally important today, however, is our psychological ‘unlocking’ through consciousness, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, anxiety management during service, and possible complaints and objections handling. The use of positive approach and behaviour towards customers and the use of positive language require positive energy and confidence, which you acquire through the above techniques that we teach as part of the overall training.


Fields of Education

We can decide which of the following are appropriate based on your company’s goals and needs.

Mental Resilience at Work
Interpersonal Relationships of Negative Audience and Colleagues at Work
Dealing with Negative People
Self-esteem, Self-improvement, Self-confidence, Self-awareness
Sales Techniques
Customer Service Techniques
Complaint Handling Techniques
Managing Work Stress with Difficult Audiences and Colleagues
Personal Motivation
Work Life
Leading your Team Through change
Harassment in the Workplace
Mindful leaders
Communication and Teamwork through Team Building Motivational Training
Communication and Audience Management

Create an Efficient Working Environment


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We share with you scientific articles, research as well as our personal knowledge on improving mental health.


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